Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Lake Miltona

Sunday, Father's Day, was a day of rest.  I started going to this cabin since before I was born.  It hasn't changed much since we moved to Idaho in 1970.  Letty has been there a number of times, so we spent the day looking at the lake and reminiscing with each other and our cousins.  We also took a long walk with Jeanne.  She shared all the changes that have taken place in the area the past 30-40 years.  It was cloudy and cool when we started, and we were dressed accordingly.  The sun came out and we were panting by the time we got back.  We rested well.  Monday was over cast and cool.  By afternoon, we were geared up for action.  We went to a very small nearby town for groceries, and then went to a winery that is only a short distance away.  It was a very clean and active place.  We were greeted by an Australian sheep dog, who came charging at us from a distance, sniffed once at each of us, and ran away.  We toured and tasted and as we left, the dog did the same routine.

Our next stop was at a cabin on another lake where Letty had spent her summers while growing up.  No one was home, so we peeked in the windows and walked around the place.  Letty was blessed to see her place again.  She and her brother had sold this cabin in 1962 after their parents had passed on.  Another evening watching darkness arrive at the lake - very peaceful.

Today was travel day to Rochester MN, to see my cousin, Dr. John Miles, a doctor at Mayo Clinic, and register at the clinic in preparation for my consulting appointment tomorrow.  The weather was horrific at the cabin during the morning, but the rain tapered off as we drove back southeast toward our destination.  We even had sun for a number of miles.  Then we heard an emergency weather forecast for a tornado warning right in an area through which we were going.  The weather changed quickly and dumped buckets of water on us south of Minneapolis.  The tornado watch ended shortly before we reached that area, but then we started hearing reports of small tornadoes being spotted behind us in St. Paul.  Again, we were spared!  John, Letty and I talked as fast and furiously as we could about families before and after dinner.

It is late and I have a 6am blood test in the morning.  After my consultation in the afternoon we return to the cabin for one more day before heading home.  If Thursday is sunny, we will probably try to go fishing.  If it is rainy, and it is supposed to be, then we will spend one more say reminiscing.  We might do some thinking about a return to MN next summer, and a canoe trip up in the Boundary Waters.  Might just work!

There is a chance the motel we stay in during our return journey will give me a chance to do one more road blog. Maybe, and maybe not.  In any case I will do a wrap up on our return home Saturday evening.  We are looking forward to our return.  Anxious to see y'all!

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